All photography provided by Jared Chambers

Wisdom of Friends (WOF) Community is focused on identifying innovative, sustainable and replicable solutions to society’s most pressing social causes in the areas of 3H - human consciousness, human rights, and human privileges - like elevating human consciousness, supporting clean water and hunger projects and conserving the environment. We welcome partnerships with organizations and change makers who believe that their most precious resource–its human capital–becomes even more valuable when goals are aligned and skills are enhanced for the greater good of society.

WOF’s vision is to become a thriving global enterprise that invests in areas that will have the biggest impact on humanity. 

Our unique approach is to collaborate with partner organizations, change makers and experts who are leaders in their own disciplines, leverage their wisdom and best practices and bring functional expertise to brainstorm creative solutions for social challenges at the local level. We integrate breakthrough conferences, infotainment and fund raising events to bring awareness and respond quickly to social challenges. Our flagship program includes the 'Celebrating Mastery' event that brings together titans of the industry, world class artists and performers and communities in fellowship to create entertaining fundraising events for inspiring social causes.  

Our Mission

WOF’s mission is to inspire creativity, passion and leadership in people through the simple but effective philosophy of ‘be the change you want to see in the world’ and to help become a catalyst to benefit humanity.

“We were honored and privileged to be part of Wisdom of Community’s “Celebrating Mastery” event in Seattle. Wisdom of Friends is just one more avenue toward our coming to a recognition of our common humanity, that we are all one, mutually inhabiting this fragile ball of magic we call earth.”
— -- David Albert, Board Chairman, Friendly Water for the World

What We've Achieved

By collaborating with partner organizations, celebrities and experts who are leaders in their own disciplines; WOF CoMMUNITY has raised thousands of dollars and created entertaining and innovative fundraising events for global causes and provided a platform for creative artists and nonprofits gain visibility to a wider audience.

Our Flagship Events and Programs:

1. Celebrating Mastery Event -  Our popular by invite only networking, educational, and entertainment event held annually; where the GCI Media team collaborates with:

  • Titans of industry

  • Entrepreneurs

  • World Class Artists and

  • Non Profits

2. Wisdom of Friends Talk Show

  • Interviews with Industry Titans, Professionals, Rainmakers, and Creative Artists. These fascinating and eclectic people who are living an extraordinary life share their wisdom and best practices on this podcast for the greater good of humanity and to contribute to the 3H initiatives